Case Study

Mark L. Karno & Associates

SIZE: 6 attorneys
SCOPE AND SERVICES: Motor vehicle accidents, nursing home abuse, premises liability, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice

Mark L. Karno Case Study

The Situation

Three years ago, Mark Karno chose FindLaw to market and promote his Chicago law firm. His firm employed a variety of services including a website and presence on the lawyer directory. Like many attorneys, Mark was often approached by different marketing firms trying to win his business. Among their arguments, FindLaw’s alleged inability to represent him fairly while also serving competing law firms in his area. Eventually, all that noise made an impact.

The Solution

Change is constant, and during Mark’s break, the world of internet marketing reflected this truth. Coming back to FindLaw meant an opportunity to update his firm’s marketing to reflect a new marketplace. Mark’s solution still includes a website, of course, but it also features a variety of programs and tactics optimized that keep Karno & Associates in front of their best prospects.


1 in every 10 new clients can be directly tied to the marketing campaign with FindLaw

A renewed focus on fresh content has resulted in five times more traffic to blog pages

“My business took a hit when I left, but things are already improving after only a short time back with FindLaw.”

Attorney Mark Karno

Mark L. Karno & Associates

The results

Mark came back to FindLaw because he knew it would result in more leads for his firm and he’s already been proven right. The process hasn’t been without its challenges, however. Karno & Associates has seen a drop in overall website traffic since leaving and returning, but that’s to be expected when a website changes hands.

It might take some time for Mark to achieve the traffic performance of his previous FindLaw website, but he’s on his way. Traffic on the new website is already starting to show growth. Mark knew making this switch back would require some time and patience to get back to previous traffic levels, but he’s certain he has the best possible marketing partner to help him continue driving business to the firm.

Mark L. Karno & Associates Case Study

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